My Diet


I’m a singer who ended up looking like a  bodybuilder as the byproduct of my vocal journey, eating plants and doing daily functional training without lifting weights or going to a gym.

For details please see my interviews with  The Physicians Committee,  VeganLinked and  with  Chef AJ, also the article  A Myth-Busting Vegan Journey.

No steroids, athletic / protein supplements, creatine, collagen, K2, DHA, etc.

One solid meal and several smoothies a day.

B12 and D3 (no other supplements). No supplement would be needed on raw vegan diet in a natural world with organic farming and with enough sun exposure.

A healthy body’s nutritional requirements are minimal, and whole plants provide everything. 

Unnecessary supplementation of any kind,

Consumption of non-plant stuffs in  any amount,

And even the overconsumption of plants, which are the  only natural food and fuel for humans,

is only a  burden for the body.




Coconut water, 1 cup   

As I prepare the smoothie below I typically eat 1 tablespoon of each of the following: Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut butter.


Banana, 1

Spice mix, 1 tsp: In a glass jar combine 2 tbsp each of cayenne, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, and 1 tsp of Himalayan pink salt.

Matcha, 1 tsp

Chlorella, 1/2 tsp

Nutritional Yeast (non-fortified), 1 tbsp
Amla, 1 tsp

Yerba mate, 1 tsp

Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp

Coffee beans, 1 tbsp

Cacao nibs, 1 tbsp

Gelatinized maca, 1 tsp

Carob, 1 tsp

Rooibos, 1 tsp

Flaxseeds, 1 tbsp

Chia seeds, 1 tbsp

Mesquite, 1 tsp

Medjool dates, 1 pitted

Half a lemon (peeled)

Half a lime (peeled)

Mango chunks, half cup

Strawberries, half cup

Cranberries, 1 tbsp

Sprouted oat groats, half cup

Coconut butter, 1 tbsp

Agave nectar, 1 - 2 tbsp

Water, 3 cups

Smoothie.  Makes two servings.

Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt, ¼ tsp (optional)

Cacao nibs, 2 tbsp

Cacao powder, 2 tbsp

Coffee beans, 1 tbsp

Gelatinized maca, 1 tbsp

Mesquite, 1 tsp

Almonds or Walnuts (ideally soaked), ¼ cup

Vanilla powder, 1 – 2 tsp or Mint Leaves, half cup, loosely packed (optional)

Medjool Dates, 6 - 9, pitted

Hemp Milk, 2 cups (blend 1 cup of nuts or seeds of your choice with 3 ½ cups of water)

Coconut butter, 1 tbsp

Coconut Water, ½ cup

Water, 2 cups

Black Tea, 1 cup

Green Tea, 1 cup


Pre-workout Smoothie

Yerba maté 1 tsp

Green Tea, 1 tsp

Water, 2 cups

Medjool dates, 2 large or 3 – 4 small

Blueberries, ½ cup

Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp

Chia seeds (ground), 1 tbsp

Coconut butter, 1 tbsp

Sprouted buckwheat groats, 1 tbsp

Lemon, ½ peeled (not juiced)

Lime, ¼ peeled (not juiced)

(I soak the buckwheat groats overnight in a sprouting jar. Drain and wash them once in the morning and once at night. They sprout in about two days. 

Sport drink for the workout

Medjool dates, 2 large or 3 – 4 small

Coconut water, 2 cups

Coconut manna, 1 tsp

Lemon, ½ peeled (not juiced)

Lime, ¼ peeled (not juiced)

Sea salt, ¼ tsp

Dulse flakes, 1 tsp

Post-workout Smoothie from Brendan Brazier's Thrive Fitness Book

Medjool dates, 2 large or 3 – 4 small

Pineapple, ½ cup

Water, 2 cups

Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp

Chia seeds (ground), 1 tbsp

Sprouted buckwheat groats, 2 tbsp

Dulse flakes, 1 tsp

Gelatinized maca, 1 tsp

Chlorella, 1 tsp

Kale / Calcium Smoothie

Kale, 3 leaves (about 2 cups)

Apple, 1

Medjool dates, 1 large or 2 small

Gelatinized maca, 1 tsp

Sprouted wheat, 1 tbsp

Chia seeds (ground), 1 tbsp

Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp

Sesame seeds, 1 tbsp

Pumpkin seeds, 1 tbsp

Cayenne, ¼ tsp

Water, 2 cups



Raw soups, sprouted grains and legumes, corn, salads, dehydrated raw foods such as croquettes, falafels, pizzas, crackers, breads.

Raw Soup Example 1 (first picture below)

2 - 3 servings

Water - 4 to 5 cups

Dulse flakes - 2 tablespoons 

Moringa - 1 teaspoon

Nutritional yeast - 1 to 2 tablespoons

Sprouted buckwheat - Half cup

Mild cayenne - 1 tablespoon

Cloves - 1 teaspoon 

Turmeric chunks - 1 tablespoon 

Sea salt - 1 teaspoon 

Chopped white mushrooms - 2 cups

Broccoli - 2 cups

Avocados - 1 cup, diced 

Hemp seeds - 1/4 cup

Green onions - 2

White onion - 1 small

Crushed garlic - 2 cloves 

Kale - 2 cups

Sun dried tomatoes - 1 cup

Parsley - Quarter cup

Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons 

Balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons 

Basil leaves and flowers, chopped

Oregano, chopped


Salsa - Half cup

Chlorella - 1 teaspoon

Raw Soup Example 2

Water - 2 cups

Sea salt - 1 teaspoon or less

Dulse - 1 teaspoon

Turmeric - 1 teaspoon

Ginger - 1/2 teaspoon

Cayenne - 1/4 teaspoon

Black pepper- 1/4 teaspoon

Maca (gelatinized) - 1 teaspoon

Moringa - 1 teaspoon

Chlorella - 1 teaspoon

Nutritional yeast - 1 tablespoon 

Hemp seeds - 1/2 cup

Sprouted lentils - 1/2 cup

Frozen avocado cubes - 1 cup

Garlic - 1 to 4 cloves 

Onion - 1/2 cup

White mushrooms - 1 cup

Cauliflower - 1/2 cup

Broccoli - 1/2 cup

Leek - 1/2 cup

Kale - 1 cup

Add or substitute other plants like tomatoes, collard greens, celery, carrots, sprouted buckwheat, sprouted beans. 

Basic Procedure

Boil water in a pot. Remove from heat. Add spices, powders, seeds. Mix them well with a spoon. Add lentils, avocado cubes, garlic and onion. Mix. Add the rest, except chlorella, and mix. Warm it up on low heat while gently mixing it. Remove it from heat before reaching the boiling point. Mix in chlorella. Let it sit for a few minutes. 

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